poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2024

A review of Wharflurch „Shitter / Slimer”



“Shitter / Slimer”

Dawnbreed Rec. / Gurgling Gore 2024

Are you familiar with Wharflurch? Their first material was released by Waldek of Morbid Chapel a few years ago. It was a very promising death metal demo. Then, on their debut, the gents took a little turn with their music into more psychedelic atmospheres, and today they return with full-length number two. I was very curious to hear what such a band would provide, but I certainly expected the unexpected. The first tones of this album are typical Incantation. A heavy roller with distinctive slides on the guitars. Overwhelming and bone-crushing. Number two, “Enochian Curse”, is already a strong reference to early Amorphis, enriched by choruses and a rather light melody. You can feel the heaviness here, but with a completely different tone. This track is more rocking than crushing. Next on the list, “Death Toll Horror,” is again a throwback to the nineties from overseas, highlighted by a punchy d-beat, with heavily vomiting vocals and harmonies firmly under Autopsy, transitioning with time into rhythmic beats reminiscent of kaffir pounding breakwaters. Then we move into “Headless God,” a composition that is a mix of death metal with hardcore rhythm and keyboard ornamentation in the background. Without haste, Wharflurch dents us more and more into the ground. “The Empty Space” opens with a road roller in Winter style, evolving in a moment into a very mysterious, almost shamanistic mood, with whispering background vocals. The composition gets moving with time, but the accompanying mysteriousness does not fade away. You can feel the tension and a kind of eeriness in it. “Wormwood Palace”, on the other hand, is a departure into space. Ambient introduction, atmospheric, gentle, almost sleepy sounds, and a melody like a drug. One might suspect at this point that this is such a calm before the storm. The storm, however, doesn’t come. The last one on the album, “From IXXX to XBBB,” is a psychedelic instrumental trip. The track lasts an equal ten minutes and there's a lot going on in it. Guitars tinker with their narcotic melodies, somewhere in the background the drums pound out monotonous rhythms... Everything ripples and seems to drift away to some parallel world. Then comes the silence. Fuck! Rarely do I analyze an album track by track.  In this case I did so that you can be aware of how diverse “Shitter / Slimer” is. Here, in fact, each composition comes from a different tale. But let me tell you something. This feeling is illusory. For listening to the whole we experience an amazing journey, carefully planned by the authors. A yourney that is unusual, surprising and provides a lot of experience. Maybe not a “trip of a lifetime”, but definitely worth remembering. Wharflurch walk their own path. It is worth following it with them.

- jesusatan

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