czwartek, 22 sierpnia 2024

A review of Warlust "Sol Invictus in Vmbrae Satanae"



"Sol Invictus in Vmbrae Satanae"

Dying victims Prod. 2024


Four years after the release of "Unearthing Shattered Philosophies" Germany's Warlust is back with its third album, the title of which you can see above. If you are familiar with the band's previous work, there will be no great surprise. The gentlemen continue to serve black metal, sprinkled with thrashmetal influences. With the slight difference, that these eight compositions (because I don’t count the intro and the interlude), contain even more catchy melody. If so far quite a signpost of Warlust's music was Destroyer 666 or Desaster, now it would be appropriate to throw in names such as Necrophobic, Sacramentum or Watain. This means no less than that the Germans definitely know how to mix cool and venomous elements with engaging harmonies in their songs, while losing absolutely nothing in the power of rapture. Most of the songs are a fast-paced ride ahead in a Nordic, mostly Swedish style, with infectious melodies flowing like a mountain stream, with occasional variety from more traditional picking or acoustic passages. To be clear, a lot changes during this peculiar gallop, and we are by no means exposed to tedious looping. On the contrary, the musicians make sure that their work is not monothematic or predictable. And even if there is not much revelation in these sounds, and the aforementioned thrash influences are hidden somewhere deeper, "Sol Invictus in Vmbrae Satanae" should give any genre maniac a lot of joy. These recordings don't really lack anything, and if the material had been recorded thirty years ago, and it must be admitted that the sound engineer here also took care of the right feeling in the subject, this album would be listed as a solid representative of the second line of that golden period for the genre. The thing is, however, that nowadays there are far more productions of a similar sort released than in the mid-nineties, so it is easy to simply overlook valuable, yet not outstanding recordings. How it will be in case of Warlust, time shall tell. If you have a spare moment, I recommend you give a Chance to their new baby. Even if it doesn't blast you, I can guarantee one thing. You definitely won't get bored.

- jesusatan

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