wtorek, 28 maja 2024

A review of Noxis “Violence Inherent in the System”



“Violence Inherent in the System”

Rotted Life / Dawnbreed Records 2024


Noxis was brought to life five years ago. Since then the gentlemen have been treading the old-school, righteous path, serving all sorts of minor releases systematically along the way. So there was a demo, an EP, a split with Cavern Womb, as well as live material from Joe's garage. Well, but finally it’s time for a full album, and here it is. “Violence Inherent In the System” is almost fifty minutes of death metal in the vein for a more ambitious audience. At the same time, for those who haven't encountered the band yet, I'd like to point out that it's not at all about maniacally technical onanisms or “technique for technique's sake.” What I mean more is that Noxis by no means treat “their” death metal as locked into a rigid framework, played from a template or clearly inspired by anyone. Yes, some references can be stuck to them, such as Dying Fetus or Cryptopsy, but they only apply to those actually typically death metal parts. And they only constitute the backbone of the whole. A spine that is incredibly strong, but quite thin, for it features more departures into side directions than sticking to the rules of the genre like a monkey to the palm. What is going on this album is… like everything! The Americans behave like a drunken cook, throwing whatever is at hand into the pot. Here you'll hear classic death metal, you'll hear punk, at times hard core influences, an acoustic fragment, a noise one, an ambient one, you'll collide with seemingly uncontrollable breaking of melodies and changes in the way of riffing, you'll be surprised by a jazzish trumpet... Noxis combine very distant styles in their music, theoretically without order and composition, but in the end they come out, like the aforementioned experienced chef, with a dish for connoisseurs of restaurants with three Michelin stars. I'll admit that the guys are so combinatorial that I don't know whether the album's crowning dancing “Surfin' Blood Futile” is their original song or some cover, the original of which I couldn’t find. In total contrast to the music, on the other hand, stands the sound of this album. Here, garage simplicity rules. The drums sound like an upturned paint bucket, ticking mercilessly, while an over-pulsating bass comes to the front, at times winning more interesting lines than the guitars. With strong, clear guitars this creates an unprecedented contrast, which is as unique as Noxis' music itself in the death metal field. If we add to this the vocal variations, because here we also have diversity in abundance, we get an album that is completely fucked in mind, original and unusual. I am absolutely fascinated by this material and I’m in every note of it. I felt under the skin that something serious would grow out of Noxis, but I didn't expect that much. An absolute firecracker!

- jesusatan

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